Who we are?
Sparky - Official Christmas Gift Sniffer
Known to pee on lights he does not approve of.
Ok, so he also pee's on the lights he approves as well, the hard part
is telling which is which, you have to make eye contact to figure it
Tigger - Show Reviewer
If he stops watching the computer preview
version of a song, it does not go into
the final show.
Sunshine - Light Inspector
Her motto is "If it's not bright, it's not right!"
Failure to impress her means you can expect
her to stick her tongue out at you!
Hard to impress, tough to ignore, she knows
what she wants to see on display.
Lucky for us, she has a weakness for dog
treats or nothing would ever be approved.
And off I went, now, my wife who is not so thrilled with this idea has been
known to tell me I am crazy, something I have never denied.
She has also been known to tell me I don't have enough lights on certain
trees used in the display, so I am not convinced she does not secretly enjoy
the crazy part.
And now let me introduce the rest of our lighting staff!